Toronto’s Leading Construction Site Security Company

Comprehensive construction site security is crucial for protecting a new development. But it’s often overlooked or under-staffed. This poses a significant security risk for developers, contractors, and future homeowners while increasing the potential for major on-site issues. Every Wincon construction site guard is trained in both proactive and reactive site protection – keeping your property and people safe at all times.

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Why Choose Wincon for construction site security?

Open construction sites present significant legal liability. If left unguarded, property developers face threats ranging from on-site injuries to property graffiti, damage, or destruction. Even damage to adjacent property caused by intruders to an unguarded site can lead to significant liability exposure. Mitigating these risks requires an effective construction security plan and the right team of construction site security guards. At Wincon Security, our professionals receive full pre-deployment training and are briefed on site-specific requirements before arriving at your new development. Our construction site guards are always fully prepared and in uniform and are dedicated to meeting your needs by leveraging our flexible and adaptable approach to security.

Clients choose Wincon Security construction site security guards because they:

  • Are polite, courteous, and always prepared
  • Are fully prepared to do their job when they arrive at your construction site
  • Are communicative and flexible in their approach
  • Keep you fully informed with daily report logs
  • Are trained in proactive and reactive risk mitigation

Delivering construction site security across Toronto and the GTA

Whether yours is a new downtown office development or a large suburban residential subdivision, our construction site security plans are designed to address your every need. Our teams are matched to clients based on the very best organizational and operational fit, while our construction site security guards are always fully engaged and ready to serve. That frees your time to build and manage your new development—leaving the security concerns to us.

CAT construction machine on site

Construction Site Security Services


Our fully trained, uniformed construction site security guards deliver engaged oversight for your construction site, ensuring your property remains safe and secure.


Our building access technology and monitoring systems deliver peace of mind to property developers who require cutting-edge construction site security solutions.


With our remote video monitoring service, we can protect your construction site remotely, no matter the time of day or night, 365 days a year.

Frequently asked condo security and concierge questions

What is construction site security?

Construction site security is the protection of properties across a new development while they are under construction. Many of these sites – in particular new housing subdivisions – are often left open and can be accessed by anyone. That creates major liability and legal risk, along with the potential for vandalism, theft, and property damage.

How do you secure a construction site?

It starts with a comprehensive construction site security plan. Our team will assess all potential risks across your new development, highlight areas for security coverage and then develop a strategy that aligns with your operational requirements and expectations. Our construction site security guards and complementary services – such as remote monitoring – are typically incorporated into our comprehensive strategic plans.

Do construction sites have security?

Yes, every construction site should, and most do. However,  security coverage provided by some firms can be sparse, unreliable, and sporadic. Our construction site security plans are designed to ensure robust security monitoring, patrols and both proactive and reactive response to deliver the very best security experience and results possible.

What does a construction security guard do?

A construction site security guard is tasked with protecting your new development, documenting incidents such as safety issues or access violations, documenting and reporting those concerns, then patrolling to keep your property safe. Wincon construction site security guards take it a step further. They’re in constant communication with our supervisory team to make strategic recommendations and advise on potential liability or security risks as they discover them.

Why Wincon?


The only construction site security plan that matters to us is the one that addresses your operational needs. Let’s take a solutions-oriented approach to protect your new development.


We’ve worked with some of our clients since the very day Wincon Security was founded. As a partner in your success, we’re dedicated to exceeding your service expectations.


Our recruitment process is built to hire committed, customer-focused security professionals. We recognize their great work and provide the tools they need to advance in their careers.


Our construction site security guards receive comprehensive briefings and are fully trained – including site-specific considerations – before being deployed to protect your new development.


By incorporating integrated technology solutions into your construction site security plan, we can help ensure that you benefit from a fully holistic approach to protecting your property.


Our management teams are actively engaged with our on-site construction site security teams to adjust your construction site security plan as needed while assuring service quality oversight.

wincon security guards ready to protect toronto

Request a Quote

If you need security for your construction site, contact a Wincon team member today.